
Taking Control of Your Life with Rio Olympics Record Holder Alexi Pappas

Taking Control of Your Life with Rio Olympics Record Holder Alexi Pappas

Alexi Pappas

Episode Summary

As a kid, we were always told what to do. And as we grow older, there are certain expectations that are built by the people that surround us. Sadly, most of us feel compelled to follow those expectations to try and please others. But according to Alexi Pappas,  Author, Actress, Filmmaker and Olympian, this is no way to live. If you truly want to be successful and happy, you have to start taking control of your life. 

“Just because you changed your mind doesn’t mean you were wrong. It just means that you are an evolving person” - Alexi Pappas

Alexi is an Olympic runner who holds the national record in the 10,000 meters at the Rio Olympics. But unlike other athletes who have been training since they were young, Alexi actually started running when she was in college. It was a dream that she had when she was young, but never thought possible until she was older. 

Create yourself 

But she was only able to realize that dream by taking control of her life. She believes that you can change anything you want in yourself, and the world would be ok with it. You should not do things just because it’s what the world expects you to. Don’t be afraid of trying something different, you just have to take the first step. 

You can start by something small and show the world that you can change. Communicating those changes to the people closest to you is the first step into making the change a reality. It could be as simple as a new hairdo or your nickname, but eventually, that change becomes your new reality.  

Seeking Affirmation

While confidently initiating changes in your life, there is nothing wrong with asking for assurances from the people closest to you. Humans are not meant to be alone, and having people that support you and gives you positive feedback boosts you mentally. If seeking affirmation is useful to you, then it’s real, and you should use it. 

Chasing your dream is part of the dream

Oftentimes, we are very hard on ourselves. We work hard to achieve our goals and we only acknowledge victory upon reaching the goal. But according to Alexi, you should enjoy the journey to your goal. You need to take time and celebrate the little things and have fun while chasing your dream, because it is part of your dream.

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