
Success from the Inside Out

Success from the Inside Out

Steven Pesavento

Episode Summary

Going after your goals starts internally. This is where your motives and determination are crucial. And then, if you’re doing it right, you’ll be able to share that journey with other people who support your goals. It may start with quiet determination, but when you finally achieve your goals, it’ll be shared, loud, and rousing.

Steven Pesavento, President and Trusted Advisor at VonFinch Capital, challenges us to work from the inside out. For him, the most ambitious goals are achieved when you start from within, go with support, and make outward impactful results.

Set your mind

What story do you tell yourself every day? What is your narrative or what does the voice at the back of your head say when you’re facing decisions? Apparently, for Steven, your mindset is one of the strongest and most important factors for success.

When you change those thoughts and beliefs, you can actually start changing the outcomes that you're experiencing and completely change your entire life. – Steven Pesavento

Mindset is more than just thoughts – it’s your belief system that guides you, wittingly in your decisions and actions. It’s a quiet but powerful force that leads to tangible action and produces actual results. To be successful with your goals, you must be open to reset your mindset.

Setting your mind in the right place is simple. To be a genuine and effective leader, have a leadership mindset; to be successful, have a success mindset. It’s simple, yes, but not quite easy. And when you set your mind, it’ll inevitably lead to big shifts!

Steven and many successful people see challenges as opportunities. This mindset enables them to push forward into creating impactful results, such as massive returns and profits. Leaders see things from a different paradigm. They use their mindset to redefine what their lives and experiences are about. They move forward in a better direction rather than getting attached to the way they wish things could be.

Mindset is a foundational piece for you to start building the rest of that success off. – Steven Pesavento


We need to redefine productivity. A lot of people try to do many things at once in the name of being productive. This defeats the main purpose of productivity altogether. If you do many things, shooting arrows in many directions, it’ll be harder to be at par with what you’re capable of. You’ll be wasting time and energy along the way. For Steven, once you’ve set your mind in the right place, it’s time to work deeper. Get ultra-focused.

When you're changing the way that you think, continue to reinforce that as a habit. It's like building a muscle. – Steven Pesavento

Having clarity helps you to be ultra-focused towards your goals. You continue in pursuing tasks t in such a way that they become habits that’ll propel you closer to what you want to achieve. And amid the plethora of things that demand your attention, you can apply your focus by investing yourself in what is impactful and relevant.

Better up

It’s mind-boggling to realize that in this competitive world, other people would want to help you succeed. This will make a difference in your journey. Having someone to support and encourage you can make a big impact.

One of the game-changing ways you can do that is through mentorship and coaching. You can find a mentor who’s successfully been down the path you want to take. Mentorship is a golden opportunity to learn from their experiences and hear their lessons for your own undertaking. This is different from a coach whose main role is to get the best out of people, whether with world-class ballerinas or world champions. Either way, these are the people who can be part of your team to help you succeed.

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